Each day passes. Life goes on. The light comes and it goes. The night comes. The darkness surrounds us. These are the circles, cycles and the vicissitudes of life. We are faced with many challenges. Some are expected. Many are not. In facing these challenges we make choices. Often challenges are ongoing: fighting to overcome an addiction; struggling to survive and simply exist in a variety of toxic environments - at home - at work - even in our sleep. We are challenged to come to terms with religious beliefs - the beliefs of those around us and our own, fledgling ideas based on books we have read, entries in social media and stories our family, friends and enemies tell us. And then we have to weigh it all against our own personal experiences, reasoning, intuition, emotional disposition and our innate ability to think for ourselves.
We fight. We struggle. We regularly - and with great determination - come in through the exit and leave through the entrance. And through all of this we wonder how we end up turned around in a labyrinth of confusion, frustration and unravelling of our own doing. Swimming against the tide. Doing the same things - over and over again - expecting a different result. Or eventually succumbing to apathy. We are so defeated that we miss the message.
Sonia Ricotti has taken an age old message and repeated it in her own way for our benefit. We can take this message, absorb it and allow it to be useful. "Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be." I have done this many times over the years. And it ALWAYS gives me hope.
Sometimes I forget and I fight anyway. Because that seems to be what I have come to believe is my nature: to fight. But I have also seen the way of the peaceful warrior. There is a way to experience the sense of winning without playing the game of war. You surrender to the way. The way of letting go. And embracing hope.
Control is an illusion. But we have the opportunity to be a positive influence. Surrender. Allow the war to be over.